Tuesday, January 30, 2007



From Previous Post:
Michigan Virtual High School "CareerForward" On-line Program



February 8, 2007

Online Learning Experience Symposium

When Michigan became the first state in the U.S. to require students to successfully complete an online course or learning experience (approved by the Governor and Michigan Legislature in April 2006), Michigan middle and high schools were charged with implementing an online program for their students.

This MVU Symposium will bring the Michigan Merit Curriculum-Online Learning Guidelines to life and provide you with the knowledge and strategies to move your students into the online world — and meet the state’s online learning requirement.

The symposium will provide practical information on how you can be successful in implementing online learning solutions for a wide-range of students in your district. Attend this symposium and walk away with confidence in meeting the new online graduation requirement. Sessions will cover multiple topics including:

  • National and international trends in online learning
  • Michigan’s new online learning graduation requirement
  • Local implementation strategies
  • Online approaches to teacher professional development to insure HQT
  • Building learning communities using the Internet
  • Online test preparation tools, including the ACT
  • Learning world languages in an online environment
  • Online career planning tools and courses
  • How can my district afford it?

Individuals from the following organizations will be on hand to share their knowledge and expertise:

  • Microsoft Corporation (Partners in Learning Program)
  • Michigan Department of Education
  • North American Council for Online Learning (NACOL)
  • Blackboard, Inc.
  • Michigan Virtual University
  • K-12 Schools

Confirmed Keynote Speakers

Mary Cullinane
Mary is a former teacher and high school administrator. In 2000, after serving in schools for 10 years, she helped start an Internet company focused on creating online learning communities for school districts. In 2001 she accepted a job with Microsoft Corporation as the National Program Manager for Anytime Anywhere Learning. In 2002 she became the U.S. K-12 Segment Manager responsible for Microsoft's K-12 marketing and programs. In September 2003 she moved back to the east coast to drive the School of the Future Project as part of the US Partners in Learning Team. In February 2006 she assumed responsibility for the U.S. Partners in Learning program.

Susan Patrick
Susan is the President / CEO of the North American Council for Online Learning. She is the former Director of the Office of Educational Technology at the U.S. Department of Education, where she published the National Education Technology Plan, Toward a New Golden Age in American Education: How the Internet, the Law and Today’s Students Are Revolutionizing Expectations in January 2005. Patrick managed the federal government’s educational technology policies and produced two Secretary’s Technology Leadership Summits: Empowering Accountability and Assessment Through Technology and Increasing Options Through E-Learning. She served as co-chair of the federal government’s Advanced Technologies Working Group for Education and Training; and served as a member of the Secretary’s Rural Education Task Force.

Mike Flanagan
Mike Flanagan was appointed State Superintendent of Public Instruction by the State Board of Education on May 18, 2005. He directs the Michigan Department of Education; chairs the State Board of Education; and advises the State Board of Education, the Governor, and the state Legislature regarding public education in Michigan. Prior to his appointment, Mr. Flanagan served as the Executive Director of MASA and MAISA. He served as the Superintendent of the Wayne Regional Educational Service Agency (RESA). Mr. Flanagan was also Superintendent of the Farmington/Farmington Hills School District in Michigan for five years. Mr. Flanagan currently serves on the boards of the North Central State Committee; the Michigan Virtual University; and the Midwest Regional Education Laboratories (MREL).


When Governors Enter the Education Picture
By Gordon Freedman

There are so many moving parts to education in any given state or between states and the federal government that it is nearly impossible to address dropout rates, graduation rates, annual yearly progress, increased college attendance, or producing more capable teachers and administrators. The answer to the education dilemma, oddly enough, might be found in the building trades. There, the choice is often between renovation and new construction. We all know that remodeling an old house or building a new one can produce very different results. We also know that there can be a significant difference between using a builder to design a complex home versus hiring an architect to create a set of plans from scratch.

Education, in large part, belongs to the states. It is an expensive public good designed to produce human capital capable of boosting state economic output and contributing to the national economy. Hanging in the education and training balance, on the positive side of the ledger, is increased economic activity and tax revenue from a more highly educated workforce. In this sense, the education investment, not cost, finances the renewal and expansion of state infrastructure and state programs. On the negative side of the education balance sheet are the true costs, not investments, of social and economic failure -- increased incarcerations, expanding social services, and a declining base of innovation and economic development focused on replacing old state economies.

To attempt to solve such large social and economic issues, where 21st century education is a key part of a complicated calculus, hiring a builder to renovate a tired school system is not the right answer. The answer, using the construction metaphor, is to hire a state level education architect who can construct a clear path from kindergarten through college and into the workforce; one who can accommodate the quickly changing demographics of every state inside the rapidly developing global economy. Who could commission such a state office and create the mandate to build rather than renovate?

The only office that can rise above the thousand-pothole mentality and look at the whole education establishment in a state and do something about it is a governor. Left to their own devices, those further down the line, often influenced by many competing interests, are often incapable from an organizational and political point of view of looking at and acting on the whole picture.

The governors who are thinking architecturally are finding three enabling factors: enterprise technology, economic analysis, and organizational reengineering. There are clear efficiencies in using technology to not only collect and analyze data, but to apply what is known quickly and confidently to remedy problems, right down to individual teachers and students. But applying technology by itself is meaningless unless there are changes in the human organization that carries out education in all its many silos. And organizational reengineering is largely incomplete unless there are plans for how increased levels of education can bolster the workforce in ways that are more significant than simply stemming the tide of student and school failures.

Arizona, Kentucky, Michigan, and New Mexico have strong education governors committed to pre-K-20-workforce policies designed to use technology as an enabler. They are aware that the silos between different education segments and agencies must come down. For them, the information highway has to turn into a coherent education network where policies, practices and interactions can cross educational stakeholders as easily as an interstate traverses neighborhoods. Govs. Jennifer Granholm (D-Mich.), Janet Napolitano (D-Ariz.), and Bill Richardson (D-N.M.) were returned to office in November 2006; each took a stand on education as a centerpiece of their second terms. Gov. Ernie Fletcher (R-Ky.), who committed Kentucky to a realignment of its education and workforce capacity, will come to the end of his first term in 2007. Consider their work thus far:

? Arizona's Janet Napolitano created a pre-K-20 commission (pre-kindergarten through higher education) in Arizona to coordinate all the educational segments in that state and to drive toward a singular educational experience. "Here in Arizona, we're already making the investment today so our state can lead the global economy tomorrow and beyond," Napolitano has said. On the national scene, in announcing her first action as the current chair of the National Governors' Association, Napolitano stated that her personal project as chair will be to take Arizona's approach to the rest of the states in order "to educate our students to be innovators, and to carry that spirit of innovation through their university experience and into the workforce."

? Michigan's Jennifer Granholm perhaps went the furthest of her colleagues. In pushing through her state's first graduation requirements, Granholm put her support behind a high school graduation requirement that requires every student in the state to have an online learning experience. "When it comes to education, we will have one overarching goal: to become the best-educated workforce in the nation. To do that, we will give our children the tools they need to be successful in the classroom and in the 21st century economy." To make good on the online learning requirement in Michigan's sluggish economy, the Michigan Department of Education and Michigan Virtual High School have joined forces to offer a free online course entitled Career Forward. It explores the global economy, starting in ninth grade. "This course is an incredible 'two-fer,'" Gov. Granholm announced in March 2006. "It will help our students understand how to thrive in a changing economy, and it will teach them how to learn online, something they will need to do throughout their work lives."

? New Mexico's Bill Richardson, a likely presidential candidate, has made education New Mexico's top priority. Like his neighbor in Arizona, the investment is a comprehensive package for students, an integration of education units and singular statewide technology run out of the state CIO's office. "New Mexico high school graduates must be armed to compete for excellent jobs, not just here, but nationally and internationally," said Gov. Richardson after announcing a comprehensive high school redesign in May 2006. Richardson has reorganized the education structure in New Mexico, making the heads of K-12 and higher education the front pieces for the state's efforts all coordinated directly from his office.

? Kentucky's Ernie Fletcher has already spent years on the organizational realignment in his state. Getting every education and workforce unit on the same page has been difficult but rewarding. Run out of the statehouse, this effort puts Kentucky, the longest running of the pre-K-20-workforce taskforces, in a position to create a single technology, delivery and policy network spanning all of its state-funded stakeholders. Their collective goal is to raise the graduation rate and education level of Kentucky citizens so that they, like other more economically active states, can compete in the global economy. In August 2006, commending Virginia Fox, the outgoing the secretary of education, Fletcher said of the state's combined effort: "[Virginia] is an exceptional individual, and she has done a tremendous job helping me move Kentucky forward. Her tireless work has brought all of the Education Cabinet agencies much closer together, and the proof of her effort was visible in the successful 2006 General Assembly when many educational initiatives were approved."

The Herculean task of prodding the sedentary education machinery in our states must now evolve into even more. The next step for our governors is to develop well-crafted state education and human capital blueprints to make education systems match today's needs in the global economy. There is not enough money in any state treasury or local school district bank account to continue down the old path any longer.

Gordon Freedman is vice president of education strategy for Blackboard, Inc.

FROM: The Center for Michigan

"A New Model Michigan: Eight Ideas to Structually Change How Michigan Does the Public's Business"

Monday, January 29, 2007

THE "yin" of the 19th Century...........followed by the "YANG" of the 21st Century!

"Yin and Yang are the interdependence of opposites. Yin symbolizes earth, darkness, cold, night, moon, passivity, and Yang symbolizes heavens, light, heat, day, sun, activity. Yin and Yang, "imaginary" and "real", the mastery of their interactions provide opportunities where the weak overcomes the strong by borrowing from the enemy’s power."

19th Century Model for Business as Usual

Detroit Free Press

More students, more cash

School districts consider enrollment bonuses

When Bellevue Community Schools hired Scott Belt as superintendent this month, the district asked him to help reverse years of declining enrollment. Officials offered him $300 per student if Bellevue's enrollment grows.

The rural district between Lansing and Battle Creek isn't the only one showing the money. In Grand Rapids, teachers will get a cash bonus if the district loses fewer students than expected.

Cash incentives for attracting new customers have been common in the business world. Now, they're moving into education.

The idea is still young and largely in the experimental stage, but it makes sense to some school leaders in Michigan, where school funding is based on enrollment. Competition among districts for students has become so keen, some educators refer to schools of choice as "schools of theft."

"That's how districts survive today -- on enrollment," said William Mayes, executive director of the Michigan Association of School Administrators.

Carl Hartmen, associate executive director of the Michigan Association of School Boards, said the idea is likely to spread.

"I'm sure you're going to see more and more of it," Hartman said. "If you're losing students, you're losing money."

Not everyone sees bonuses as the answer to declining enrollment. East Detroit Public Schools have gone from 6,500 students to 5,200 over the last 10 years. The board recently voted to become a school of choice district, offer all-day kindergarten and close buildings to help cut costs and keep enrollment up.

But East Detroit doesn't offer financial incentives for enrollment.

"I see it as a slippery slope," Superintendent Bruce Kefgen said. "If your bread and butter depends on you being able to retain students, might you be less prone to suspend a student?"

Even though Detroit Public Schools has lost about one-third of its enrollment during the last several years and is closing schools, parent Samuel Ivory said the district would be better off putting the money in the classroom. Ivory has five children in Detroit schools, at Southeastern High School, Joy Middle School and Hutchinson Elementary.

"They should be spending it on the students, maintaining the schools and keeping the buildings open," if they want to retain students, Ivory said.

The incentives could also add to the growing concern that school districts are cannibalizing each other in their zeal to pick up students.

"It makes you like a bounty hunter," said Royal Oak Superintendent Thomas Moline. Royal Oak Public Schools' enrollment has been declining by about 200 students per year. The district uses a demographer to help forecast the change and is closing schools to keep pace with it.

But Moline isn't opposed to incentives.

"I think it stimulates the system," he said. "But the bottom line is, you'd better have better quality and better outcomes, because parents are very savvy shoppers these days."

Promoting the pluses

Bellevue has gone from 1,005 students in 2000 to 710 today. Some of the students have gone to neighboring districts, while others have been forced to move for economic reasons, Belt said. His job is now to run a PR campaign convincing parents to come back.

"If we can get the word out, get some good positive promotion going on, maybe we can gain enrollment," he said.

But Belt was a little uncomfortable with the bonus.

"I don't ever want anyone to think that I want a kid to come here so I can make an extra dollar," Belt said. "I want them to come because this is the best place for them to be."

Tim Reed, Bellevue's school board president, said Belt's role will be to be more visible in the community than previous superintendents and tout, in part, the district's new emphasis on students earning Michigan Merit Scholarships and its decision to offer more science classes.

"I expect him to be the leader and visionary thinker for the staff and teachers and bring these things to reality," Reed said.

Unions agree

The 20,000-student Grand Rapids Public Schools district has been losing between 800 and 900 students a year. Almost all the unions in the district -- including those covering teachers, administrators, secretaries and noncertified personnel -- have agreed to a plan in their contracts calling for a lump sum bonus in June if the district loses fewer than 800.

The bonuses will vary, from 0.25% of their salary if the district loses between 600 and 699 students, up to 1.75% if the loss is 100 or less.

"We all have a role in recruiting and retaining students. Even a secretary ... has things that can be done with customer service," said Fredericka Williams, executive director of human resources.

Employees are being urged to make parents feel welcome and make sure they are aware of programs that other districts may not provide, such as the district's after-school program.

Not everyone is convinced that teachers or superintendents can change enrollment.

The Lansing School District tried enrollment incentives for the superintendent, only to drop them, said Hugh Clarke, board vice president.

"Given the economy, the mobility of people ... it's kind of an unworkable goal," Clark said.

Contact PEGGY WALSH-SARNECKI at 586-469-4681 or pwalsh@freepress.com.

Copyright © 2006 Detroit Free Press Inc.

21st Century Model for Creating & Innovating NEW Business Solutions that Add-Value to the Intentional Mission! (AIM)

Bill Gates says internet will revolutionise television

The internet will revolutionise television within five years. That was the prediction of Microsoft chairman Bill Gates at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

“I’m stunned how people aren’t seeing that with TV, in five years from now, people will laugh at what we’ve had,” the Microsoft chairman told politicians and business leaders.

“Certain things like elections or the Olympics really point out how TV is terrible. You have to wait for the guy to talk about the thing you care about or you miss the event and want to go back and see it,” he said. “Internet presentation of these things is vastly superior.”

He said the change was coming “because TV is moving into being delivered over the internet — and some of the big phone companies are building up the infrastructure for that.”

Microsoft has had some success in signing up telecommunications companies to use its software to deliver audio and video, but worldwide only a few million customers currently receive television over internet technology.

The rise of broadband video delivered over the internet has been more spectacular, but for most people it is still not currently a substitute for watching television.

It is not the first time that Bill Gates has predicted that broadcasting will become irrelevant. Back in October 2004 we reported that he said that linear schedules were on the way out.


Chad Hurley, the co-founder of YouTube was also speaking at Davos. He said that the impact on advertising would be profound and that YouTube would be experimenting to build an effective model that works for advertisers and users.

He also confirmed that the company, now owned by Google, is working on a revenue sharing mechanism that would reward users that submit material to which they own the copyright.


Broadband, Business, IPTV

AND the Natives are Restless

Living with Digital Natives and their Technologies

By Jonathan Nalder
January 1, 2007
URL: http://www.techlearning.com/showArticle.php?articleID=196604072

from Educators' eZine

Attending a recent conference dealing with Boys Literacy, I was happily surprised to find that many of the solutions presented involved technology, and not just for their gimmick value. A range of educators had all reached a similar place of integrating technology to increase engagement and learning, no easy task.

These same educators, however, all seemed to have picked up Mark Prensky’s idea of distinguishing teachers from students with his terms “Digital Native” and “Digital Immigrant.” We heard those terms several times, and they elicited nods of recognition as well as collective sighs. It was if those who considered themselves Digital Immigrants now had a name for their ‘condition’ that excused them for being outside the new world created by the Information revolution. Terms such as these, when used broadly, can end up causing harm if they are accepted as mono-cultural, rather than just as useful lenses through which to see current issues.

Many of the presenters also spoke about inclusive practices and taking into account the damage that separating out one group can do. So, as educators, let’s not create a them-and-us mentality when it comes to technology in the classroom. When a show of hands was solicited in one session asking who understood the meaning of several newer ICT terms, only about one in ten responded. If you fear you may have been one of those excluded, you can start gaining a passport to the world of the ‘Digital Native’ right away. ‘But how’ you may ask? Outlined below are just ten names/sites/programs/devices that currently mark the digital world in which our students exist. The socialising technology of Tamagotchi is nothing compared to the revolutionary nature of these:

Nintendo DS: I’ve sighted this handheld gaming device several times in the playground of my school. The Nintendo name may be familiar to you, but the DS is something else, and, rather than the usual shoot-em up games associated with such devices, Nintendo’s tend to have less-violent characters, such as Mario.

The DS opens like a clam- shell, has Dual-Screens (hence the name), a built in microphone and packs a PDA-like stylus (kids’ toys are growing up). Its unique features means it can offer software like ‘Nintendogs’, a digital pet game where users view the top screen, can tap commands on the lower screen, and even speak commands to their pet. It also has wireless capabilities for messaging other users with the unique write and draw ‘Pictochat’. Watch for the new ‘brain age’ game full of puzzles and brain-challenges.

With a street price of around $180, and a new, more compact model on the way (the DS lite), this is one device guaranteed to be high on the wish list of most students, girls included.

Myspace.com: Launched only it seems like yesterday, Myspace is an all in one Webpage service with over 50 million users worldwide. That’s more than the population of some countries! It provides a free (but with advertising displayed) homepage where you can have a blog, photo gallery, songs etc. displayed. This is one of the sites whose combination of many features is increasingly being described as an example of Web 2.0.

With so many users, it is also a community unto itself where one can easily get in contact with other people who have the same music or hobby tastes. You can view other peoples ‘profile’ or homepages and even leave comments or add someone whose site you like as a ‘friend’. It’s been hugely popular with high school students overseas (although the minimum age requirements have recently been tightened due to concerns about Net predators) and there is now an Australian-hosted chapter to further add to the phenomenon.

flickr.com: A free photo-sharing site where you can search for images on any topic imaginable – all uploaded by people just like yourself. The breadth of images available is quite staggering – one of my favourite sections is the one-letter and number group where people all over the world have uploaded pictures of single letters and numbers taken from signage, and advertising. One can then go to an associated site and spell out words or sentences using the hundreds of various pictures.

There is a monthly limit on the free account for how many megabytes you can upload, but no total limit on how many images one may have. (There is also a Pro account available with no limits).

Like MySpace, its members number in the many millions. You can comment on the photos you like, and in turn have yours viewed by others from the flickr community. The site keeps a record of how many times your photos have been viewed, and you can add friends, join groups based around photo themes, and even send internal Emails to other members. Again, the emphasis is on the creation of a social space.

Youtube.com: A free video-sharing website doing for video what flickr has done for photos. Upload your holiday or podcast video and instantly have access to a potential audience of over 35 million other users. The site keeps track of how many times your collection has been viewed, and who has rated your creations with stars, or left you a message.

Fitting in perhaps with the reality TV trend that so many students seem to love, it really is a ‘power to the people’ site, where the most viewed video (close to 3 million) is from a comedian parodying different dance styles. Recently a British singer has gained a record deal and top-ten debut solely by building a huge fan base with video recordings of herself performing. It has even become a site for ‘street’ journalists who record video of important events, speeches and the like and upload it so it becomes immediately accessible to anyone around the globe.

RSS: Really Simple Syndication. With so many news and info-tainment web diaries (blogs) and podcasts being published these days, it’s easy to do a Google search and find someone writing just about that obscure hobby you have. RSS was developed for use on handhelds or laptops in the pre-always-on internet days so that news could be downloaded when one was connected and read later, but now is used as well to keep track of audio and video podcasts.

With RSS software you can paste in an RSS address and set your computer to automatically download the blog or podcast entries as they are published. Podcasts can be searched at many sites including from within iTunes, which will keep your ‘feeds’ organised and updated for loading onto a portable mp3 player for later listening or viewing.

Skype: Like the sound of free phone calls? Skype software (in conjunction with a microphone) allows you to call any other Skype user for free using an Internet connection. Like the IM (instant messaging) craze in which many students spend their home hours participating, it’s a way of communicating with their friends that doesn’t add $ to the family phone bill. Skype even has the option to purchase call credits and call landline phones at discounted rates.

Xbox Live: Ok, you know the Xbox is a gaming machine, but it now comes with an Internet connection to the Microsoft Live service. Xbox Live “provides voice communications [and] … a console-related friends list of other selected online players, as well as a messaging system of either text or voice messages” (taken from www.wikipedia.com). As long as you are signed in to Xbox Live, while either playing a game, watching a DVD (with the DVD playback kit) or navigating the dashboard, you have access to view all your friends, see what your online friends are doing, and send messages via the dashboard or the Xbox 360 guide. You can send either written messages or voice messages to other players, even if they aren't online.

Leapfrog: A maker of game and quiz inspired education toys - everything from talking storybooks to handhelds that mimic adult PDA’s. They seem to have found a way to make basic learning tasks fun, and at a decent price point too. Their audience base begins at about three and up, but for school-age children they market the ‘Leapster’ handheld which accepts cartridges like a Nintendo but with a more educational bent.

iPod: Ok, you know it plays music. But these days, an iPod (or other mp3 player) can play video, display maps and images, and hold your calendar and address data. It can hold literally thousands of podcasts, becoming a portable audio (or video) library with accessible information on the hundreds of topics on which podcasts are now produced. It can also be used to record audio for later moving to a pc for using in producing your own podcast!

There are many uses that a creative teacher can make of these capabilities. For example, educational videos or school-slideshows can be displayed directly on the classroom TV or data-projector without the need for a Laptop or DVD player. Interactive step by step guides can be produced with hyper-linked sections that can be taken on field trips or even used to facilitate independent learning tasks.

The iPod is also about a new concept that is revolutionizing modern life – that being the ability to carry previously unimagineable amounts of music, video and data in your pocket. For adults who have spent years carefully building up a CD or a video collection, the concept of it all fitting into one pocket-sized rectangle may seem hard to grasp, but it is something that today’s kids are already used to.

Keen readers who have got this far will have noticed just how many of the current technologies mentioned above have something to do with social networking. I have had conversations with parents recently who are concerned that computers are stopping today’s kids from interacting with their peers. These same parents also marvel at how their children’s use of Email and instant messaging means they now know more about what’s happening with other family members (via their computer-using children) than they ever did before. In a world of sometimes increasingly fractured families, this is one positive of technology worth noting.

There are ways for teachers to also make use of students’ affinity for this networking technology. I have just begun encouraging students to Email me their written work as computer files so I can correct them whenever I have time, an innovation too which they have taken well. Students working on group projects can message their notes to each other, and if each student adds his contribution in a different text colour, teachers can keep track of who has written what.

Now, you may have also noticed that, although I promised ten, I’ve only listed nine examples that mark out just what makes our students such ‘digital natives’. This is not because there aren’t many more, but because I’m challenging you to ask your students for the tenth. Open up a discussion and you might find a new way into their world, or better yet, be inspired to become a part of it yourself. After all, how can one teach students and yet know so little about the world in which they are immersed? Is it enough to seek to bring them only into our ‘adult’ world, and not be willing to enter theirs? Surely that is the learning contract we make with our students – to expect from them only what we first show ourselves – which is, hopefully a willingness to be involved in each other’s world and to set a learning example.

And get started right away; after all, any passport to the digital world is likely to stay current for ten months at best. Then you’ll again have to ask your digital native students about the latest hot trends.

For more on all this, visit my Blog, M-Learn.

Email: Jonathan Nalder

Friday, January 26, 2007

21st Century "Sticky" Virtual Digital Learning Environments

Fast Company

Can't Touch This

Perceptive Pixel reinvents the human-computer interface

SEE the Video http://fastcompany.com/video/general/perceptivepixel.html

Working all but alone from his hardware-strewn office, Jeff Han is about to change the face of computing. Not even the big boys are likely to catch him.

From: Issue 112 | February 2007 | Page 86 | By: Adam L. Penenberg

Jefferson Han, a pale, bespectacled engineer dressed in Manhattan black, faced the thousand or so attendees on the first day of TED 2006, the annual technology, entertainment, and design conference in Monterey, California. The 30-year-old was little more than a curiosity at the confab, where, as its ad copy goes, "the world's leading thinkers and doers gather to find inspiration." And on that day, the thinkers and doers included Google gazillionaires Sergey Brin and Larry Page, e-tail amazon Jeff Bezos, and Bill Joy, who helped code Sun Microsystems from scratch. Titans of technology. It was enough to make anyone feel a bit small.

Then Han began his presentation. His fingertips splayed, he placed them on the cobalt blue 36-inch-wide display before him and traced playful, wavy lines that were projected onto a giant screen at his back. He conjured up a lava lamp and sculpted floating blobs that changed color and shape based on how hard he pressed. ("Google should have something like this in their lobby," he joked.) With the crowd beginning to stir, he called up some vacation photos, manipulating them on the monitor as if they were actual prints on a tabletop. He expanded and shrank each image by pulling his two index fingers apart or bringing them together. A few oohs and aahs bubbled up from the floor.

Suppressing a smile, Han told the assembled brain trust that he rejects the idea that "we are going to introduce a whole new generation of people to computing with the standard keyboard, mouse, and Windows pointer interface." Scattering and collecting photos like so many playing cards, he added, "This is really the way we should be interacting with the machines." Applause rippled through the room. Someone whistled. Han began to feel a little bigger.

But he was far from finished. Han pulled up a two-dimensional keyboard that floated slowly across the screen. "There is no reason in this day and age that we should be conforming to a physical device," he said. "These interfaces should start conforming to us." He tapped the screen to produce dozens of fuzzy white balls, which bounced around a playing field he defined with a wave of the hand. A flick of a finger pulled down a mountainous landscape derived from satellite data, and Han began flying through it, using his fingertips to swoop down from a global perspective to a continental one, until finally he was zipping through narrow slot canyons like someone on an Xbox. He rotated his hands like a clock's, tilting the entire field of view on its axis--an F16 in a barrel roll. He ended his nine-minute presentation by drawing a puppet, which he made dance with two fingers.

He basked in the rock-star applause. This is the best kind of affirmation, he thought. The moment you live for.

Six months later, after TED posted the video on its Web site, the blogosphere got wind of Han's presentation. Word spread virally through thousands of bloggers, who either posted the video on their sites or pointed to it on YouTube, where it was downloaded a quarter of a million times. "Uaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhwwwwwwwwwwwllllllllll I want one!!!" whined one YouTuber. "Just tell me where to buy one," said another. "Holy s--t. This is the future," cried a third. Han's presentation became one of YouTube's most popular tech videos of all time.

In this Googly age, it only takes a random genius or two to conceive of a technology so powerful that it can plow under the landscape and remake it in its own image. People are already betting that Jeff Han is one of them. (For an exclusive look at a new demo video, see Related Content at right.)

For as long as he can remember, Han, a research scientist working out of New York University's Courant Institute, has been fascinated by technology. He even doodles in right angles, rectangles, and squares--hieroglyphs that look almost like circuitry, a schematic of his unconscious. The son of middle-class Korean immigrants who emigrated to America in the 1970s to take over a Jewish deli in Queens, Han began taking apart the family TV, VCR, "anything that was blinking," at the age of 5 (he still has a nasty scar courtesy of a hot soldering iron his little sister knocked onto his foot). His father wasn't always happy about the houseful of half-reassembled appliances, but encouraged his son's technolust nevertheless, and even made him memorize his multiplication tables before he enrolled in kindergarten. At summer camp, Jeff hot-wired golf carts for nocturnal joy rides and fixed fellow campers' busted Walkmen in exchange for soda pop. He studied violin "like any good Asian kid." He was 12 when he built his first laser.

His parents scrimped and saved to send him to the Dalton School, an elite private high school on Manhattan's Upper East Side, then Cornell University, where he studied electrical engineering and computer science. Han skipped out on his senior year without graduating to join a startup that bought a videoconferencing technology he developed while a student. A decade later, he's poised to change the face of computing.

Until now, the touch screen has been limited to the uninspiring sort found at an ATM or an airport ticket kiosk--basically screens with electronic buttons that recognize one finger at a time. Han's touch display, by contrast, redefines the way commands are given to a computer: It uses both movement and pressure--from multiple inputs, whether 2 fingers or 20--to convey information to the silicon brain under the display. Already, industries and companies as diverse as defense contractor Lockheed Martin, CBS News, Pixar, and unnameable government intelligence agencies have approached Han to get hold of his invention. And, no surprise, he has formed a startup company to market it, Perceptive Pixel.

"Touch is one of the most intuitive things in the world," Han says. "Instead of being one step removed, like you are with a mouse and keyboard, you have direct manipulation. It's a completely natural reaction--to see an object and want to touch it."

On a recent Tuesday afternoon, Han gives me a private demonstration at NYU. The 36-inch-wide drafting table he used at TED has since evolved into a giant screen: two 8-foot-by-3-foot panels. I notice the screen is not only smudge resistant but durable--or as Han says, "peanut butter--proof," a phrase he didn't invent but liked enough to co-opt.

In this Googly age, it only takes a random genius to conceive a technology so powerful that it plows under the landscape and remakes it in its own image.

Han teaches me the one pattern I need to know--a circular motion akin to a proofreader's delete symbol, which brings up a pie-chart menu of applications. I poke at it, and suddenly I'm inside the mapping software, overlooking an arid mountain range. Spread two fingers apart, and I'm zooming through canyons. Push them together, and I'm skying thousands of feet above. I'm not just looking at three-dimensional terrain, I'm living in it: I'm wherever I want to be, instantly, in any scale, hurdling whole ridgelines with a single gesture, or free-falling down to any rooftop in any city on earth. This ain't no MapQuest. Han's machine is faster--much faster--because there's nothing between me and the data: no mouse, no cursor, no pull-down windows. It's seamless, immediate, ridiculously easy. No manual required.

An NYU colleague pokes his head in (Han greets him like he does most everyone: "Dude!") and tells him that a producer from the Ellen DeGeneres Show called. Han is amused but declines the invitation to appear. Ever since he became a Web phenomenon, he has been receiving all sorts of offers, come-ons, lecture requests. An official from SPAWAR, a subdivision of the Navy focused on space and naval warfare planning, queried Han about collaborating. A producer from CBS News wondered how to make use of Han's touch screen for special events like election coverage. A dance deejay asked if he had a product to spin music at clubs. A teenager asked how he could become a computer engineer too (answer: "Study math").

Meanwhile, I get back to playing with Han's über tech. "Jesus," I say under my breath. "He's gonna get rich."

Han overhears me and laughs. The thought has occurred to him.

Before reinventing the touch screen, Han was just another dotcom refugee at a crossroads. BoxTop Interactive, an e-services firm he worked for in Los Angeles, had just flamed out with everything else (he calls the whole boom-bust era a "collusion of bulls--t"). With his father ill, and ready for a change himself, Han returned to New York.

He knew some professors at NYU and, despite his aborted stay at Cornell, landed a research position at the Courant Institute, where he has been for the past four years. The scope of the projects he's involved in is a testament to the sheer wattage of his brain. Two are funded by DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency under the Department of Defense, including one involving visual odometry: Modeling his work on the brain of a honeybee, Han has been looking for ways to make a computer know where it has been and where it is going--part of an attempt to build a flying camera that would be able to find its way over long distances. Han has also made it to the second round of a DARPA project to create an autonomous robot vehicle that can traverse terrain by learning from its own experiences. The goal: to perfect an unmanned ground combat vehicle that could operate over rough trails, in jungles or desert sand, or weave through heavy traffic as if it had a skilled driver behind the wheel. One non-DARPA project involves reflectometry. Han came up with a way to scan materials so they are faithfully reproduced digitally. The process typically requires shining a light on a piece of fabric, a flag, say, from dozens of different angles, and scanning each one into a computer--a time-consuming proposition. But Han developed an elegant shortcut: He built a kaleidoscope with three mirrors that reflect one another. Once a swatch of cloth is inserted, the scope yields 22 reflections mimicking different angles of light. When data from each reflection are scanned, the result is a flag that can be formed into any shape--one that looks like it's waving in the breeze, with each ripple and each slight shift in light rendered to a photographic exactitude. The whole process takes a fraction of the time Hollywood's best computer animators would need.

Han brought a similarly pragmatic do-it-yourself attitude to his study of touch-screen technology. When he began looking into the idea, he discovered that a few researchers were working on interactive walls and tabletops, and there were a number of art pieces. But that was about it. The concept hadn't advanced much from where it was in the 1980s, when Bill Buxton, now a Microsoft researcher, was experimenting with touch-screen synthesizers. "Most of it was designed with toys in mind," Han says, "something you project on-screen like Whack-a-Mole with hand gestures. But they weren't asking themselves what purpose it served. I wanted to create something useful."

Inspiration came in the form of an ordinary glass of water. Han noticed when he looked down on the water that light reflected differently in areas where his hand contacted the glass. He remembered that in fiber optics, light bounces on the inside of the cable until it emerges from the other end miles away. If the surface was made of glass, and the light was interrupted by, say, a finger, the light wouldn't bounce anymore, it would diffuse--some of it would bleed into the finger, some would shoot straight down, which was happening with his water glass. Physicists call the principle "frustrated total internal reflection" (it sounds like something your therapist might say).

Han decided to put these errant light beams to work. It took him just a few hours to come up with a prototype. "You have to have skills to build," he says. "You can't be strictly theoretical. I felt fortunate. I walked into a lab with crude materials and walked out with a usable model."

He did it by retrofitting a piece of clear acrylic and attaching LEDs to the side, which provided the light source. To the back, he mounted an infrared camera. When Han placed his fingers on the makeshift screen, some light ricocheted straight down, just as he thought it would, and the camera captured the light image pixel for pixel. The harder he pressed, the more information the camera captured. Han theorized he could design software that would measure the shape and size of each contact and assign a series of coordinates that defined it. In essence, each point of contact became a distinct region on a graph. "It's like a thumbprint scanner, blown up in scale and encapsulating all 10 or more fingers. It converts touch to light." It could also scale images appropriately, so if he pulled a photo apart with two fingers, the image would grow.

"People want this technology, and they want it bad," says Douglas Edric Stanley, inventor of his own touch-screen "hypertable" and a professor of digital arts at the Aix-en-Provence School of Art in France. "One thing that excited me about Jeff Han's system is that because of the infrared light passing horizontally through the image surface itself, it can track not only the position of your hand but also the contact pressure and potentially even the approach of your hand to the screen. These are amazing little details, and pretty much give you everything you would need to move touchable imagery away from a purely point-and-click logic."

Han began coding software to demonstrate some of the touch screen's capabilities, running them on a standard Microsoft Windows operating system. Meanwhile, Philip Davidson, an NYU PhD candidate, got excited about the project and quickly became its lead software developer.

The first thing the pair did was to modify NASA World Wind, a free Google Earth--type open-source mapping program. (Han figured the military would be keen on anything that works faster, since split seconds mean the difference between life and death.) Then they created the photo manipulator, which lets you upload pictures from Flickr or anywhere else on the Web (it can also make 2-D images appear as 3-D). A taxonomy tool makes it a cinch to navigate the illustrated branches of the Linnean classification system, from animals and plants down to every known species, and see on one screen how these families are structured and interrelated. (They are thinking of extending it to genealogy and an analysis of social networks.) Multidimensional graphing and charting help you visualize spreadsheet data and move them around from one point in time to another, while Shape Sketching lets you draw on-screen as easily as you can with a pencil on paper--then animate these shapes instantly. Down the road, it may be possible to draw Bart Simpson on-screen and instruct the computer in what you want him to do.

"As computers have become more powerful, computer graphics have advanced to the point where it's possible to create photo-realistic images," Han says. "The bottleneck wasn't, How do we make pixels prettier? It was, How do we engage with them more?"

Today's computers assume you are Napoleon, with your left hand tucked into your suit," says Bill Buxton, whom Han considers to be the father of the multitouch screen. "But a lot of things are better performed with two hands. Multiple- sensor touch screens bridge the gap between the physical and virtual world."

Mind you, this doesn't mean touch screens will completely replace the computer mouse, QWERTY keyboard, or traditional graphic user interface (or GUI) any more than cinema made live theater disappear or television supplanted radio. Each continues to do what it does best. Your iPod or cell phone may be fine for short music videos, but you probably wouldn't want to watch a two-hour movie on it. "These media fall into their appropriate niche and are displaced in areas where they are not the best," Buxton says.

Han really doesn't know how his mapping software, photo manipulator, or any of it will ultimately be used--these applications are really proofs of concept, not ends in themselves. "When unexpected uses emerge that no one ever thought of, that's when it gets exciting and takes off," says Don Norman, a professor at Northwestern University and author of Emotional Design. Thomas Edison, after all, believed the phonograph would lead to the paperless office; businessmen would record letters and send the waxed discs in the post. And the Internet wasn't exactly invented to serve the masses and become the backbone to business and commerce.

In January, Han was set to ship his first screen to a branch of the military. He hasn't taken a dime of venture capital, so his company is already in the black.

Meanwhile, wherever touch-screen technology leads, Han will face stiff competition. Microsoft has been working on its own version, TouchLight, which offers echoes of the Spielberg sci-fi flick Minority Report. GE Healthcare, which manufactures MRI machines, is using TouchLight, licensed from Eon Reality, for 3-D imaging: Surgeons can swipe their hands across the screen and interact with an MRI of a brain, peel away sections, and look inside for tumors (retail price: $50,675).

Mitsubishi is targeting a completely different market with its DiamondTouch table, a collaborative tool for business that allows a group of people to interact at the same time via touch screen. Canada-based Smart Technologies has created a nice niche selling interactive whiteboards to universities, corporations, and even to three branches of the U.S. military for briefings. Panasonic has been developing wall-size touch-screen displays, as has consulting firm Accenture, whose interactive billboards are already enticing passengers at O'Hare and JFK airports. Apple has filed for several patents in the field, and there are rumors, which the company won't confirm, of course, that it will soon offer a touch-screen iPod.

But Han isn't exactly worried. In January he was set to ship his first wall screen to one of the branches of the military (he won't say which one) "and they are paying military prices--six figures," he says. His company will also be offering consulting services and support, which will generate even more revenue, and Han says he has a lot of other deals in the pipeline. He hasn't taken a dime of venture capital, so his company is in the black even before he has rented office space.

What's more, with the cost of cameras and screens plummeting, it is inevitable that interactive displays will be built into walls and in stores, in schools, on subways, maybe in taxicabs. In fact, a screen could be as thin as a slice of wallpaper, yet durable enough to handle the most rambunctious user.

Not everyone is sold on Han's idea. Ben Shneiderman, a computer science professor at the University of Maryland and a founding director of the Human-Computer Interaction Lab, calls Han a "great showman" who has "opened the door to exciting possibilities." But he doesn't think Han's technology would be suitable for a large-scale consumer product, nor as useful as a mouse on a large display. If you are standing in front of the screen, Shneiderman wonders, how would people behind you be able to see what you're doing?

One way, Han counters, is for the demonstrator to simply move his ass out of the way. Another: Use a drafting-table display, as Han did at TED, and project the image on a wall-size screen.

But criticisms like these are a million light years from Han's mind. We're in his cluttered and cramped office at NYU. Books line a shelf, and a skein of wires unfurls across the floor. A computer circuit board is half taken apart (he stopped losing screws long ago), and a nearby whiteboard contains blueprints and sketches of the touch screen, plus a clever trick for hacking programming code.

Han is explaining why he formed Perceptive Pixel. "I want to create an environment where I can create technology, get it into the hands of someone to market it, and move on to other technologies so I can keep innovating," he says. "I want to be a serial entrepreneur: Incubate an idea, get it to a good state, and make that an enabler to get to the next state. It's every researcher's fantasy."

Thursday, January 25, 2007

The AIM Solution Would Be A GREAT Addition!

The Salvation Army Eastern Michigan Division

The Salvation Army Eastern Michigan Division Officially Awarded $50 Million Kroc Challenge Grant to Build Community Center on Detroit’s Eastside
Begins Campaign to Raise $48 Million in matching funds

Kroc News 2007

The Salvation Army Eastern Michigan Division Officially Awarded $50 Million Kroc Challenge Grant to Build Community Center on Detroit’s Eastside

Begins Campaign to Raise $48 Million in matching funds

The Salvation Army Eastern Michigan Division announced that it has been officially awarded a $50 million Kroc Challenge Grant by The Salvation Army Central Territorial Headquarters to build and endow a Ray and Joan Kroc Corps Community Center on Detroit’s eastside. The non-profit must now raise the challenge grant’s matching $48 million before beginning the construction phase of the $98 million project.

“The gift from the estate of Joan Kroc represents an unprecedented opportunity for The Salvation Army to develop innovative new programming focused on positive outcomes at a time when the city of Detroit needs them most,” said Major Norman Marshall, Divisional Commander of The Salvation Army Eastern Michigan Division. “The facility will be much more than a recreation center. It will be a lifeline providing desperately needed resources to the low-income and disadvantaged people it is intended to serve.”

Joan Kroc, wife of McDonald’s founder Ray Kroc, left The Salvation Army $1.6 billion when she died in 2003 specifically designated for the construction and endowment of community centers across the country. The Salvation Army’s Midwest Region was allocated $400 million of this trust. According to the terms of the Kroc gift, half of the award money will be allocated to capital while the other half will be reserved for endowment. The money cannot be used to supplement any annual fundraising or current operation costs.

“The challenge grant awarded to the Eastern Michigan Division for the Detroit Kroc Center is the largest distribution of funds from the Kroc gift to date in the Midwest,” said Commissioner Ken Baillie, who oversees The Salvation Army’s work in the Midwest. “After nearly two years of extensive planning and community outreach, we felt certain that Detroit would be an excellent steward of the money – ensuring that Mrs. Kroc’s gift would be used in the manner intended, as well as in line with the overall mission of The Salvation Army, which is to serve others without discrimination.”

The Detroit Kroc Center will be located on 30 acres of land in the city’s Chandler Park, located at the corner of Conner and Frankfort. Both the city of Detroit and the Detroit Housing Commission, as a part of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), worked with The Salvation Army to make this land available at an affordable cost.

This location was selected because it offers the greatest potential for strategic impact – with nearly 200,000 people residing within a three mile radius of the site. The surrounding neighborhood’s population skews to a younger average than is typical for Detroit as a whole, with a significant number of young children.

"We thank The Salvation Army for their long history of caring about and for the people of Detroit and for choosing to bring the Kroc Center and a sense of renewed hope to this Eastside neighborhood," said Detroit Mayor Kwame M. Kilpatrick. "I applaud their commitment to our community. This Salvation Army center will serve many needs helping to make the Next Detroit a reality for thousands."

The area also has a median household income below the average for the city. Equally as important, the location on Conner Avenue provides easy access from most all of the Eastside, making the Detroit Kroc Center a truly regional facility.

“Located on this specific site, The Salvation Army will be able to meet a huge need of the poor and meet its mission,” said Maggie DeSantis, president of the Warren Conner Development Coalition and Salvation Army Liaison to the Detroit Eastside Community Collaboration (DECC). “The organization will also be offering an accessible, visible ‘beacon’ that will attract those who can pay, as well as those who can't without help. Opportunity and need, at the same time, I believe this was the vision of Joan Kroc.”

Plans for the Detroit Kroc Center call for construction of a 100,000 square-foot facility, designed to provide resources that develop body, mind and spirit. It will include a recreation center, aquatic center, athletic fields, classrooms, computer labs, performing arts training & rehearsal classrooms, a chapel, community events hall, food service area and administrative space.

“This facility and its programming is not intended to take away from the existing programs that provide more than 4.2 million points of service annually throughout our metro community,” said Marshall. “During these challenging economic times, it is our goal to have the Detroit Kroc Center serve as a complement to these programs and provide a much needed buoy, raising the total level of service to the metro community.”

The Detroit Kroc Center is expected to provide a broad range of programming and services to people of all ages, including computer training, senior citizens activities, fitness classes, sports leagues, Christian education, wellness groups, vocational training, academic tutoring, social service case work, counseling, character building groups, summer day camps, worship services, life skills development, among many more.

“After nearly two years of community research, project development and financial feasibility studies it was encouraging for The Salvation Army to learn that a broad range of people from the metropolitan Detroit community believe our goal of raising $48 million is doable,” said Wayne Doran, chair of the Ray and Joan Kroc Blue Ribbon Project Development Committee. “We must raise it as we cannot afford to lose this $50 million challenge grant.”

Doran continued, “For those who may ask, ‘Can our community afford such a center?’ I say we can’t afford to not have it. Having spent 32 years in this community, I have experienced the outpouring of generosity. I am confident the community will respond and make the commitment to help us meet this challenge grant and get this center built, making our dream a reality for the community.”

Although the campaign to raise the challenge grant’s remaining $48 million has just begun, there are many in the metropolitan Detroit community who have committed to seeing the project through to fruition and have signed on as members of the Ray and Joan Kroc Gold Ribbon Citizens Committee.

“I am committed to helping The Salvation Army bring the Ray & Joan Kroc Corps Community Center to Detroit,” said Edsel B. Ford II, member, Ray and Joan Kroc Gold Ribbon Citizens Committee and immediate past chairman of The Salvation Army National Advisory Board.

Founded by William Booth in London, England, in 1865, The Salvation Army is a faith-based, non-profit organization dedicated to serving people in need without discrimination. At work in Michigan since 1887, The Salvation Army operates 180 facilities throughout the state. Annually, these facilities provide more than 3.5 million meals and 600,000 nights of shelter for the homeless. The Salvation Army across America currently has over 1,200 community centers working with children, young people and families. Joan Kroc’s decision to select The Salvation Army as her steward of “trust” to construct 40 Kroc Centers across America is based on her knowledge and careful observation that The Salvation Army’s mission and commitment to needy people in areas of health, education, welfare and faith is making a difference, and will leave a most meaningful and lasting legacy.